New York gay scene poppers Scissor sisters ( from tribadism) are finally back with a new album featuring many collaborations with successful DJs and artists too lazy to make their own albums. Bouncy tracks soon to be played at a gay bar close to you include Only the Horses (produced with competent DJ Calvin Harris), Somewhere, Let's have a Kiki with DJ Nita (no Youtube vids out yet...) and finally Keep you shoes on. Broaden your horizons, but do not expect too much out of this album
Would you mind making more complete critics? I enjoy reading your texts, I only wish they were a bit longer and better argumented (not a critic, justa a suggestion).
SvaraRaderaAlso, do you know where one can buy fuberhusk in Switzerland?
Wow, I did not think anyone actually read my stuff. But sure, I can elaborate... And no, I have not found it in Swissy yet, I am alsways looking for it, I suppose it might go by the name of Psyllum or Flohsamenschalen, which you could order at But I have not done this yet, most likely they will charge you insane prices for that too...