Aubrey or "Drake" as a few people call him is famous for some reason. I had issues figuring out why, initially I thought it could partly be due to his superhumanly square hairline but after a few hours of research it was evident that he has a large music fan base. The latest album from last year includes talking in a microphone in a manner that would rap sound like acapella Pavarotti style, I mean some times it does not even rhyme and there is barely any confidence in his voice. Over My Dead Body has nice piano by Chantal Kreviazuk with Aubrey talking a lot in the background sometimes. An impressive Lil' Wayne rip off is Headlines, suggesting that he perhaps should try making moolah on impersonations instead, but why hate, why not congratulate? A decent track is title track Take Care featuring Rihanna that Drake once smashed a glass bottle in the face of Chris Brown for, as explained here by pterodactyl Deidre Behar. Muffle funk Marvins Room also sounded good, up until Drake started talking because he felt like it. Rick Ro$$ appears in Lord Knows with an oldschool beat to it. And random talking about Christmas in August. Know what I mean? Actually, most tracks on this album deserve mentioning. Perhaps it was not so bad? Who knows, who knows...
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