Hear-ye, hear ye! Here cometh a great replacement for thine spaghetti - with low carbs!
lördag 30 oktober 2010
tisdag 26 oktober 2010
Brandon Flowers - "Flamingo"
Brandon, usually known from the great band The Killers, released his solo album recently - and I must say, it does have a flamingo-ish sound to it. 14 songs, perfect for a medium-long jog round. Since The Killers are one of my favorite bands, I was biased indeed. Imagine then my disappointment...
Only two tracks leaped out, the mega-hit "crossfire" - a great production, not only because Charlize Theron is in the video but also because of the vocals. The second out-leaper was "was it something I said", here is a link if you want to hear it:
The others? Brandon Flowers sounds like a falsetto Bob Dylan in many of them, others sound like an old Killers song, like "jilted lovers and broken hearts" has basically stolen the drum beat from Spaceman. Who'd've thunk it?? Thumbs down! You can do so much better, Brandon! And "Crossfire" intro is copy of some song that I can not figure out!
I will however listen to it once more before I dismiss it totally. I owe this much to Brandon. I think we all do.
*Revised* After my second jog session with Brandon in my head gear I can sincerely say that it sounds better. Perhaps I had to lower my standards to standard standards. But the thumb remains where it was, unfortunately for Brandon.
*Revised again* After the third run I think it is an OK album actually.
Only two tracks leaped out, the mega-hit "crossfire" - a great production, not only because Charlize Theron is in the video but also because of the vocals. The second out-leaper was "was it something I said", here is a link if you want to hear it:
The others? Brandon Flowers sounds like a falsetto Bob Dylan in many of them, others sound like an old Killers song, like "jilted lovers and broken hearts" has basically stolen the drum beat from Spaceman. Who'd've thunk it?? Thumbs down! You can do so much better, Brandon! And "Crossfire" intro is copy of some song that I can not figure out!
I will however listen to it once more before I dismiss it totally. I owe this much to Brandon. I think we all do.
*Revised* After my second jog session with Brandon in my head gear I can sincerely say that it sounds better. Perhaps I had to lower my standards to standard standards. But the thumb remains where it was, unfortunately for Brandon.
*Revised again* After the third run I think it is an OK album actually.
måndag 25 oktober 2010
Low carb pork Thai food with romanesco rice
The perfect and quick dish inspired by the far, far eastern cuisine. Quick to make and mouth-watteringly delicious.
Bon App
Bon App
Linkin Park - A thousand suns
I really, really wanted to hate this album, partly because I have only given thumbs up so far. But I just couldn't - I was jogging to it for about 47 minutes and it was actually alright. If you like political music and undefinable genres, this is an album for you. Because they protest against the "machine" that controls us and wants our money, it is of course alright to download their album from piratebay.
Notably, lead singer Chester Bennington does not scream as much as he usually does in the album. The sound has changed from their usual hysterical, angry (almost menopausal) sound to a more symphonic. And it works. I have to up my thumb on this one as well. Gosh-darn it!
Notably, lead singer Chester Bennington does not scream as much as he usually does in the album. The sound has changed from their usual hysterical, angry (almost menopausal) sound to a more symphonic. And it works. I have to up my thumb on this one as well. Gosh-darn it!
torsdag 21 oktober 2010
LCHF rice - the contest!
Three different ways are being tested to make LCHF rice out of the old faithful cauliflower. Let's see who wins!
Bon App!
Bon App!
tisdag 19 oktober 2010
Re "what a gay ass channel, learn to cook like a man boy"/bashafacin
Because the Youtube commenting only allows a limited amount of writing (rambling) I will use my blog (that no one reads) to reply to this comment posted by a "bashafacin" (that, of course, he will never know of) on my Youtube channel. Firstly, you must have confused my channel with some other channel as mine does not contain any "gay ass", in fact no asses at all - only very little of my own bottom has ever been caught on screen. In the instance where it was, it was also quite evident that I have no ass.
"what a gay ass channel, learn to cook like a man boy"
You really have some 'splainin' to do here. By "gay ass", did you mean "gay" in the traditional sense, i.e. happy and not the post modern bourgeoisie sense? Did you mean "happy ass"? Or maybe "perky"? Or talkative, as in frequently farting? Because I have to tell you, this LCHF diet has the exact opposite effect - it reduces flatulence for many people who otherwise suffer from it.
"what a gay ass channel, learn to cook like a man boy"
Secondly, even if my channel did feature gay asses, there would be nothing wrong with that, so long as the content was not in conflict with youtube posting regulations - which again leads me to the conclusion that you had my channel confused with someone else's that you might have been "browsing" through earlier.
"what a gay ass channel, learn to cook like a man boy"
Thirdly, I would like to address the second part of the mail (although it may be two parts, the grammar is a bit rusty). Going by the first part of the mail i assume that you misspelled a word that came out cook when he actually meant something else. This I can only leave up to speculation but it would make sense considering your initial confounding statement.
And what is a "man boy"?
"what a gay ass channel, learn to cook like a man boy"
It is also possible that you never checked out my channel at all and simple was spewing out insults and happened to target the very core of my channel and blog (and my dwindling self-esteem) by referring to my cooking (and nothing else I hope). I think you should learn to direct your anger better, there are much worse things to be angry about than talkative bottoms and questionable cooking. Such as digestive problems. They can be a real pain.
Finally, I would like to thank all subscribers and friends of the channel and this blog. Let's spread the word!
"what a gay ass channel, learn to cook like a man boy"
You really have some 'splainin' to do here. By "gay ass", did you mean "gay" in the traditional sense, i.e. happy and not the post modern bourgeoisie sense? Did you mean "happy ass"? Or maybe "perky"? Or talkative, as in frequently farting? Because I have to tell you, this LCHF diet has the exact opposite effect - it reduces flatulence for many people who otherwise suffer from it.
"what a gay ass channel, learn to cook like a man boy"
Secondly, even if my channel did feature gay asses, there would be nothing wrong with that, so long as the content was not in conflict with youtube posting regulations - which again leads me to the conclusion that you had my channel confused with someone else's that you might have been "browsing" through earlier.
"what a gay ass channel, learn to cook like a man boy"
Thirdly, I would like to address the second part of the mail (although it may be two parts, the grammar is a bit rusty). Going by the first part of the mail i assume that you misspelled a word that came out cook when he actually meant something else. This I can only leave up to speculation but it would make sense considering your initial confounding statement.
And what is a "man boy"?
"what a gay ass channel, learn to cook like a man boy"
It is also possible that you never checked out my channel at all and simple was spewing out insults and happened to target the very core of my channel and blog (and my dwindling self-esteem) by referring to my cooking (and nothing else I hope). I think you should learn to direct your anger better, there are much worse things to be angry about than talkative bottoms and questionable cooking. Such as digestive problems. They can be a real pain.
Finally, I would like to thank all subscribers and friends of the channel and this blog. Let's spread the word!
Sophisticated criminal - street dance!
Today was street dance, as every Tuesday at the University! Taking that up again - we got to do choreography for 1.5 hours to Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal". More than half of the gang (excluding me) had practiced last Tuesday, but when I got started - man! Also, about 90% of the people are chicks, and the rest are guys who, most of them, at least appear more desperate than I am. Brings back good memories, from last semester...
Here is a youtube link, get down, dawgs!
Just skip past the part where Michael hangs out with some kids... in a back alley... at night... This keeps going for about one minute, but let's not beat the dead horse - no pun intended, although appreciated (by myself).
Here is a youtube link, get down, dawgs!
Just skip past the part where Michael hangs out with some kids... in a back alley... at night... This keeps going for about one minute, but let's not beat the dead horse - no pun intended, although appreciated (by myself).
söndag 17 oktober 2010
Want to know how to make a good sallad? Check it out!
Bon App!
Bon App!
lördag 16 oktober 2010
Kings Of Leon's "Come around Sundown"
The new release of King's of Leon had huge shoes to fill. The band went from a garage rock niche with their first albums to absolute perfection rock with their album "Only by the night". In my humble opinion the greatest album in the 3rd millennium and still rocking.
"Come around Sundown" gets a clear thumbs up although they seem to have lost their perfect touch. Some songs are weaker than others, but especially the first four, five songs carry the album.
Big songs include the hit "Radioactive", also "The End", "Pyro" and my favorite "Mary". The latter strikes a note that reminds me of some strange feeling of forgotten love when I was younger. Big up also to "Pony up" that packs enough heat to be mentioned.
With a total of 13 tracks, this album provides a lot of good listening for about 47 minutes. And perfect jogging music.
"Come around Sundown" gets a clear thumbs up although they seem to have lost their perfect touch. Some songs are weaker than others, but especially the first four, five songs carry the album.
Big songs include the hit "Radioactive", also "The End", "Pyro" and my favorite "Mary". The latter strikes a note that reminds me of some strange feeling of forgotten love when I was younger. Big up also to "Pony up" that packs enough heat to be mentioned.
With a total of 13 tracks, this album provides a lot of good listening for about 47 minutes. And perfect jogging music.
fredag 15 oktober 2010
Johnossi - the new album "Mavericks"
My favorite band! After the album "All they ever wanted" I never thought I would hear such a perfect modern rock album again. Their next release that came out earlier this year does, naturally, not quite hold up to the expectations. Even if it surpasses most on the market.
The quasi-country sound known from past albums has been slightly exaggerated and overweights their modern punk/indie metamorphosis in this album. The album still gets a definite thumbs up - but it seems my friends liked it more than I did. Maybe I am losing my modern touch. If I ever had one. Which I didn't. Or did I?
Highly recommended are "Houses", "There's a gene" and the hit "What's the point".
Thumbs up!
The quasi-country sound known from past albums has been slightly exaggerated and overweights their modern punk/indie metamorphosis in this album. The album still gets a definite thumbs up - but it seems my friends liked it more than I did. Maybe I am losing my modern touch. If I ever had one. Which I didn't. Or did I?
Highly recommended are "Houses", "There's a gene" and the hit "What's the point".
Thumbs up!
Arcade Fire's new album "The Suburbs"
Arcade Fire! A Canadian indie band from Montreal released their new album not long ago and it is a big one. I never liked them in the past but I do declare that they have made a Kings-of-Leon's-Only-by-the-Night-like release that made skeptics into choired.
Definitely a thumbs up!
Strong tracks are the already famous "Suburban war" and another track to mention is "Half Light". Wonderfully composed.
The whole album has a sense of MGMT when they released their "Kids", "Youth" and "Time to Pretend". Same innocent, almost hypnotic, sound that strikes the very core of modern music. At times absolutely beautiful.
Here is Half Light, you'll love it:
The album is also a very big one, over one hour of listening music, perfect for my long jogs through Zürich. Get this album!
Definitely a thumbs up!
Strong tracks are the already famous "Suburban war" and another track to mention is "Half Light". Wonderfully composed.
The whole album has a sense of MGMT when they released their "Kids", "Youth" and "Time to Pretend". Same innocent, almost hypnotic, sound that strikes the very core of modern music. At times absolutely beautiful.
Here is Half Light, you'll love it:
The album is also a very big one, over one hour of listening music, perfect for my long jogs through Zürich. Get this album!
Robyn's new album out "Body Talk Pt2"

"Hang with me" is of course the soon-to-be smash hit we all are going to remember, but the tracks "In my eyes" and "Include me out" deserve to be mentioned an extra time.
I would have liked more heavy beats but I guess that may not be her thing. She does have a very light voice but carries it well. And the album was a tad short too, only about 33 minutes.
Also, keep your ears open for a collaboration with Snoop Dogg! Konichiwa B*tches! (Robyn's catch phrase)
LCHF cauliflower mash with broccoli
Mashed cauliflowers! The perfect substitute for mashed potatoes. Serve it with anything and exclude those carbs. It's also made quite quickly.
500 g cauliflowers
250 g broccoli
50 g butter
0.5 dL cream
salt, peppers, nutmeg
0,5 dL cottage cheese
0,5 dL yellow cheese
0,5 dL quark
1-4 tablespoons horseradish!
Boil the cauliflowers and broccolis until they are soft enough to be mixed or blended. Meanwhile, melt the butter and add cream, seasonings and some of the add-ons. I recommend the horseradish. After that you only have to mix it up and serve.
Bon app!
500 g cauliflowers
250 g broccoli
50 g butter
0.5 dL cream
salt, peppers, nutmeg
0,5 dL cottage cheese
0,5 dL yellow cheese
0,5 dL quark
1-4 tablespoons horseradish!
Boil the cauliflowers and broccolis until they are soft enough to be mixed or blended. Meanwhile, melt the butter and add cream, seasonings and some of the add-ons. I recommend the horseradish. After that you only have to mix it up and serve.
Bon app!
torsdag 14 oktober 2010
Eggmilk! The perfect substitute for milk with less carbs! Taken from lchfrecept.com but with an unknown source.
50 g butter
2 eggs
2,5 dL of water
cream, cinnamon, cardamom, lemongrass, pure chocolate, berries, ginger or anything else you like
Melt the butter and have it ready in a cup to which you add the mixed eggs with or without the flavoring add-ons. Then, it is only to mix the contents and drink as is or, highly recommended, putting into a cup of morning coffee.
Bon app!
50 g butter
2 eggs
2,5 dL of water
cream, cinnamon, cardamom, lemongrass, pure chocolate, berries, ginger or anything else you like
Melt the butter and have it ready in a cup to which you add the mixed eggs with or without the flavoring add-ons. Then, it is only to mix the contents and drink as is or, highly recommended, putting into a cup of morning coffee.
Bon app!
onsdag 13 oktober 2010
LCHF breakfast - mushrooms and sausage
Let's make a low carb breakfast without eggs or bacon! It's sausage and mushrooms - and it's fatty!
500 g mushrooms
160 g sausage (or however much you want)
50 g butter
1-2 clefts of garlic
salt and pepper for the mushrooms
season by the buds for the sausage
Brush off the mushrooms clean rather than washing as this will speed up the next step; the dehydration of the mushrooms. When the mushrooms have been sliced, they need to sit in the pan for a while at low-middle heat to sweat out excess fluids. This is necessary for a good result and may take a while - dicing the mushrooms and keeping them dry will aid this. When the liquids disappear from the pan, you can start frying your sausage and add the butter to the mushrooms with salt and pepper by the buds. The sausage gets the garlic and leek, together with your choice of seasoning. I usually take salt, peppers, cayenne pepper, curry, basil, oregano, thyme or some spice mix.
Bon app!
500 g mushrooms
160 g sausage (or however much you want)
50 g butter
1-2 clefts of garlic
salt and pepper for the mushrooms
season by the buds for the sausage
Brush off the mushrooms clean rather than washing as this will speed up the next step; the dehydration of the mushrooms. When the mushrooms have been sliced, they need to sit in the pan for a while at low-middle heat to sweat out excess fluids. This is necessary for a good result and may take a while - dicing the mushrooms and keeping them dry will aid this. When the liquids disappear from the pan, you can start frying your sausage and add the butter to the mushrooms with salt and pepper by the buds. The sausage gets the garlic and leek, together with your choice of seasoning. I usually take salt, peppers, cayenne pepper, curry, basil, oregano, thyme or some spice mix.
Bon app!
Low Carb drink - Gurkwater
Now a fresh drink that goes to breakfast, lunch, supper and even dessert! Made in 20 seconds (approx).
Bon app and cheers!
Bon app and cheers!
tisdag 12 oktober 2010
LCHF breakfast: Bacon bits omelet
For the Brit in all of us! Feed him, feed him! Really fast, cheap, tasty and fatty - an omelet with bacon and eggs. See it, eat it, and like it (and like the video as well).
200 g minced bacon
oil or butter for the pan
4 leafs of cut cabbage
Fry up the bacon and add the cabbage just as the bacon is turning brown, add more butter or oil if you wish.
3 eggs
100 g quark
1.5 dL cream
add-ons: cottage cheese
Mix it up properly in a bowl and then add it to the frying pan with bacon and cabbage. Turn down the heat to middle.
1 - 2 dL graded cheese or as much you wish. I love cheese so I put on alot!
1.5 dL creme fraiche
Serve it with the cheese and creme fraiche once it has solidified. If you can flip the omelet in the pan - go ahead!
Bon app!
Send in your tips and maybe I'll make it.
200 g minced bacon
oil or butter for the pan
4 leafs of cut cabbage
Fry up the bacon and add the cabbage just as the bacon is turning brown, add more butter or oil if you wish.
3 eggs
100 g quark
1.5 dL cream
add-ons: cottage cheese
Mix it up properly in a bowl and then add it to the frying pan with bacon and cabbage. Turn down the heat to middle.
1 - 2 dL graded cheese or as much you wish. I love cheese so I put on alot!
1.5 dL creme fraiche
Serve it with the cheese and creme fraiche once it has solidified. If you can flip the omelet in the pan - go ahead!
Bon app!
Send in your tips and maybe I'll make it.
LCHF bread: the Magnus Bread
I have actually never made bread before, not even normal so don't blame me if it doesn't work. This recipe was found online and provided by a Magnus Jonsson (shout out!) - with some modifications. Apparently, he found it on www.lchfrecept.com where you'll find many recipes but in Swedish. Anyways, enjoy it.
200 g crushed flax seeds
50 g sesame seeds
50 g crushed hazelnuts
50 g crushed almonds
50 g fibrex
50 g fiberhusk
16 g baking powder
add ons:
Pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Dough makers:
50 g melted butter
1 dL creme fraiche
250 g cottage cheese
6 eggs
100 quark
Mix the dough makers in a bowl and add it to the bowl of flour. Mix it all up well. The dough will now be very firm. Place it on the oven plate with baking paper and shape it to a bread loaf and heat in oven for about 60 min at 175 *C.
You won't not believe it ain't bread!
200 g crushed flax seeds
50 g sesame seeds
50 g crushed hazelnuts
50 g crushed almonds
50 g fibrex
50 g fiberhusk
16 g baking powder
add ons:
Pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Dough makers:
50 g melted butter
1 dL creme fraiche
250 g cottage cheese
6 eggs
100 quark
Mix the dough makers in a bowl and add it to the bowl of flour. Mix it all up well. The dough will now be very firm. Place it on the oven plate with baking paper and shape it to a bread loaf and heat in oven for about 60 min at 175 *C.
You won't not believe it ain't bread!
måndag 11 oktober 2010
LCHF french sausage with mashed cauliflowers
How to make a french ovenbaked sausage with mashed cauliflowers!
This one has never been done before! (I think...)
750 g Lyon Saucisse
500 g cauliflower
2.5 dL yellow cheese
150 g cottage cheese
25 g butter
cut leaks
40 g feta cheese
1 dL cream
nutmeg, chilli
Cut slices into the sausage and put in wedges of yellow and feta cheese. Put in the sausage in the oven at 200 *C. Boil up water for cauliflowers and let them boil until they soften. Mix cottage cheese, butter, graded yellow cheese and cream properly. Add warm cauliflowers and mix it up more, together with the leeks. A blender is the best option here. Season by the buds and serve it while its warm!
Bon app!
Remember to subscribe!
This one has never been done before! (I think...)
750 g Lyon Saucisse
500 g cauliflower
2.5 dL yellow cheese
150 g cottage cheese
25 g butter
cut leaks
40 g feta cheese
1 dL cream
nutmeg, chilli
Cut slices into the sausage and put in wedges of yellow and feta cheese. Put in the sausage in the oven at 200 *C. Boil up water for cauliflowers and let them boil until they soften. Mix cottage cheese, butter, graded yellow cheese and cream properly. Add warm cauliflowers and mix it up more, together with the leeks. A blender is the best option here. Season by the buds and serve it while its warm!
Bon app!
Remember to subscribe!
New blog up!
Blogging for the low carb high fat (LCHF) diet!
I am William the LCHF chef, I have a Master in Biotechnology and am doing my PhD at a toxicological institute in Switzerland. I have a special relationship with food and have recently discovered the LCHF diet. I have been on it since the start of September and I am loving it. It helped me feel better and control my eating habits. Here I will try and share my recipes with all of you out there who are looking to LCHF for a change.
I am William the LCHF chef, I have a Master in Biotechnology and am doing my PhD at a toxicological institute in Switzerland. I have a special relationship with food and have recently discovered the LCHF diet. I have been on it since the start of September and I am loving it. It helped me feel better and control my eating habits. Here I will try and share my recipes with all of you out there who are looking to LCHF for a change.
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